Thank you for your warm welcome to Guardian Angel-St. Columba Parish as we walk together these next weeks and await the return of Father Pancrose from his sabbatical at Rome. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
This Sunday I am leaving for Rome. I will be there during the Holy Season of Lent. Every Mass I celebrate and every shrine I visit I will pray for our parish. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
Wish you a merry Christmas and the blessings of Christ our Savior. Christmas is the best time for all: children, adults, and seniors. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
Already we are in the third week of Advent. Soon it will be Christmas and New Year. As part of our preparation for the celebration of the historical birth of our Lord, we need to prepare for the risen Lord who lives in each one of us and the Lord we must meet after our death or at the end of times. READ MORE
Immaculate Conception
"Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing!"
December 8th is one of our feasts celebrating Mary - the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
A retreat preacher was preaching a retreat to the university professors. He began the retreat by bringing many of the textbooks these professors studied from early childhood to their present positions. READ MORE
Parish Trustee Meeting Report (10/07/2024) Our Parish Trustees, nominated for this financial year, Ms. Susan Masullo and Ms. Kirstie Walsh have been accepted by His Eminence Cardinal Timothy Dolan. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
I love our parish family, and I thank Jesus for making me one among you. I pray that we become
one in Jesus as His Body. No one can destroy Christ’s Body. READ MORE
Dear Parish Family,
A very big “thank you” to all of you and Fr. Phil for my 10 days break in Europe. It was very nice,
doing nothing and just seeing places and enjoying food. But I am glad I am back with the family. READ MORE